Terms and conditions of participation > Participation fees

Participation fees cover access to the various sessions, coffee breaks, and documentation of the conference. Participants are responsible for transportation and accommodation costs.


Before December 03th

After December 03th


200 MAD (20 €)

300 MAD (30 €)


300 MAD (30 €)

500 MAD (50 €)


500 MAD (50€)

700 MAD (70 €)


1 000 MAD (100 €)

1500 MAD (150 €)


Payment of the costs of participation in the conference may be made by bank transfer, by the author of correspondence, after the final acceptance of the article.

The correspondence author is invited, after payment, to send the supporting documentation via the website of the conference: https://ic-sjsed.sciencesconf.org (Rubric: Participation fees). The proof of payment must include the following information: First and Last Name, article Identifier (sciencesconf.org:ic-sjsed:11111), the date of payment, the amount paid in numbers and letters, and the beneficiary IC-SJSED-22.

Participants will also benefit from the assistance of the Organizing Committee:

  • For accommodation search
  • For the reception in the city and the conference premises
  • The electronic documentation of the conference
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