Terms and conditions of participation > Writing norms

The call for papers is open to all professional researchers and socio-economic actors from all disciplines of management, economic, social and human sciences.

The contributions to be submitted to the IC-SJSED’ 22 conference must be original and must not be submitted to other conference or published or under evaluation for possible publication.

Authors are invited to respect the following norms when submitting their contributions to the conference:

  • Format: The document must be in Word format (.doc or docx) and named as follows: Surname. First name (Maslow.Jean.doc).
  • First page: must contain the following information: Title of the paper (Size 14 Bold); surname(s), first name(s) of author(s), research entity, institution(s), University, City, Country, E-mail and Telephone.
  • Abstracts must be in French and English or Arabic with keywords, between 3 and 5 maximum.
  • The full text should not exceed 15 single-spaced pages (including appendices, endnotes and bibliography).
  • References: They should be cited according to the style standards of the APA method. Authors are encouraged to ensure that all references cited in the text are included in the bibliographic references.

Authors are invited to write the full text (Word format) of the paper, while respecting the conference Template, which can be downloaded from the following link: download template.

To submit your paper, you must click on the link: New Submission and follow the various instructions listed.


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